Happy June.

To support you in being F.I.R.S.T. (Future-Ready. Innovative. Relevant. Strategic. Trusted.), here's 1 tip and 1 quote.

1. The F.I.R.S.T. Tip

Is quiet quitting good? For the individual? The organisation?

On this, the jury is still out – and both sides of the debate have considerably relevant points to offer.

The fact remains that it is happening. Initiated by individuals who are tired of perpetually running on the corporate treadmill and want more control over their lives. People who want to work to live, and not live to work. 

If that appeals to you, and you too wish to take the pressure off the accelerator while still offering escalating value to your organisation, here are 3 things you may like to consider:

1. Remember that each of us needs to follow the Learn-Apply-Achieve-Rest cycle. Be faithful to all four.

2. Periodically audit how you are investing your time and effort – ensure they are taking you closer to your life goals. 

3. Periodically assess your LIFE goals (and not just your personal or professional ones.)

Tip: Take control of your life by periodically assessing your life goals and investing time and effort towards them. 

2.The F.I.R.S.T. Quote

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