Happy January.
To support you in being F.I.R.S.T. (Future-Ready. Innovative. Relevant. Strategic. Trusted.), here's 1 tip and 1 quote.
1. The F.I.R.S.T. Tip
We all want to be a part of an enjoyable and equitable workplace. And each one of us can leverage the ‘Butterfly effect’ to make that happen. All it requires is our personal commitment and small, intentional steps such as:
1. Know Yourself:
We all have biases – conscious and unconscious. Becoming aware of them will help us understand how our actions might affect our colleagues, and prompt us to take different actions that create a culture of trust where everyone feels heard, respected and valued.
2. Be an Advocate:
We can actively contribute to creating the culture we seek by using inclusive language and being an advocate for our colleagues. Listen to their experiences, learn from their perspectives, and stand up against any form of discrimination.
3. Lead by Example:
Leadership is not confined only to those in formal managerial positions; each one of us can lead by example through our actions. Treat everyone with fairness and respect, champion inclusive language, ensure unbiased decision-making processes, etc. Our actions, big and small, set the tone for workplace behaviour.
A pragmatic way to do this is ensuring that our team has a social contract so that everyone knows what are the acceptable rules of engagement.
Creating workplace equity lies in the hands of you and I. Let’s start today.
Tip: The journey toward equity begins with you.
2.The F.I.R.S.T. Quote
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