Happy January.

To support you in being F.I.R.S.T. (Future-Ready. Innovative. Relevant. Strategic. Trusted.), here's 1 tip and 1 quote.

1. The F.I.R.S.T. Tip

All of us usually start the new year with new goals and great enthusiasm. Yet life’s myriad challenges can cause our focus on these goals to fluctuate. Here’s a simple, yet powerful and pragmatic tip to ensure we stay focused on our key priorities.

Monk Mode Morning.

There is something we can learn from monks, which can help us concentrate on what’s important. This ensures we feel calmer, more in control, and do not get overwhelmed.

The execution of Monk Mode Morning is simple. Daily, till noon, you work only on the few things that matter the most. Try to schedule all calls, meetings, emails, social media, WhatsApp messages etc for the afternoon. Of course this may not always be possible, yet try to enforce the rule as far as you can and / or adapt the Monk Mode depending on your job and life situation.

When you set aside 3 to 4 hours every day to make deep progress on your valuable goals, you attain peak productivity and fulfilment.

Tip: Practice Monk Mode Morning

2.The F.I.R.S.T. Quote

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