Happy June.

To support you in being F.I.R.S.T. (Future-Ready. Innovative. Relevant. Strategic. Trusted.), here's 1 tip, 1 question and 1 quote.

1. The F.I.R.S.T. Tip

When Hernando Cortez, the Spanish conquistador, was on his way to conquer the Aztecs, he realised his men were reluctant to walk through 200 miles of jungle and swamp, cross mountains and face an army of thousands. Cortez knew he had to say and do something that would motivate his troops to complete the Herculean task ahead. Assembling his forces, he had the sails, rigging, compasses, and all other valuables removed from all but one ship, and then pointing at them said, ‘Burn the boats!’

Just three words, but they changed the course of the battles that were to follow. His troops understood that the only way they were going home was to beat the native army.  They did. Throughout September, his men fought many fierce battles with the Tlaxcalans. Their soaring motivation and Cortez’s boldness ensured victory.

Tip: Sometimes committing to not failing, is the best way to succeed.

2. The F.I.R.S.T. Question

I am sure you have been in a situation where someone was doing something that you found really annoying, but you hesitated to dissuade them because you did not want to spoil the relationship.

A lot of us feel that such situations are binary; that we need to focus on either the task at hand or maintaining the relationship. Whenever we see this as a binary (either-or) situation we will struggle to come up with an appropriate response.

Instead, imagine that you are on a scale where you have relationship at one end and task TASK at the other. And in every situation where you are feeling this binary pressure, ask yourself what the ideal outcome is for you, and keeping that in view, where you need to be (on this scale) for that outcome to happen.

3.The F.I.R.S.T. Quote

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