Happy August.

To support you in being F.I.R.S.T. (Future-Ready. Innovative. Relevant. Strategic. Trusted.), here's 1 tip and 1 quote.

1. The F.I.R.S.T. Tip

Do you wish for a higher functioning team… whether at work or at home?

Every team (of all kinds…whether it’s workplace teams, football teams or families) has a social contract – which is, basic behaviour norms that need to be respected.

Successful teams are those that live this social contract, in thought, word and deed… not because they have to, but because they want to… because they have seen the huge benefits of one; high trust, engagement and collaboration, to name a few.

Have you and your team ever sat down to co-create a social contract? It’s an agreement made by team members on the way they want to interact, behave and collaborate with one another. It also includes how to deal with situations where there is a breach of the contract, as without this, the contract is bound to falter. For instance, when someone speaks to you behind another person’s back, you call it out and suggest taking the issue directly to the person concerned.

Team social contracts are a practical way to forge a high trust culture that not only delivers high quality results, but also ensures happy members who enjoy the journey together.

Tip: Co-create team social contracts to enjoy the benefits of high trust.

2.The F.I.R.S.T. Quote

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