Happy August.
To support you in being F.I.R.S.T. (Future-Ready. Innovative. Relevant. Strategic. Trusted.), here's 1 tip, 1 question and 1 quote.
1. The F.I.R.S.T. Tip
All of us know that learning is one of the most critical skills. People who are always learning and growing not only stay relevant but also flourish no matter what the future brings.
However, have you noticed that most of us often set performance goals, but are not as well planned or specific about our learning goals. If your learning goals are high, your ability to deliver on your performance goals would automatically increase.
One of our coaching clients struggled with demonstrating openness to new ideas, especially in larger groups. For fear of getting thrown off-agenda, she stuck to presentations filled with facts and figures, which were useful but not the best way to engage her audience.
So she set herself the learning goal of presenting without slides to hone a more conversational and improvisational style. She surprised herself by how much she learnt, not just about her evolving communication preferences, but also about the issues and ideas from the ground.
Tip: Set learning goals, not just performance goals. They help you to grow beyond your comfort zone.
2. The F.I.R.S.T. Question
Imagine that you’re on your deathbed and standing around you are the ghosts of all those ideas, dreams and aspirations that you never found the time or courage to act on, or the talents that you knew you have but never leveraged.
Because you didn’t have time, courage or were just too busy doing what you need to do, you kept pushing back what you want to do. Isn’t that what so many of us tell ourselves…”I will act on this, when I have my ideal job… after I get married… after the kids are grown.” But what if there is no after?
What would that look like? And how would that make you feel?
And do remember that the day could be today… tomorrow… who knows when.
Which is why the real question you should be asking yourself is, “What is the smallest step you can take today to make at least one of those dreams or desires come true?”
Whether you succeed or fail is important, but not crucial. For even if you fail you would have the satisfaction of knowing you tried.
And if you succeed, then why not try the next one.
So, what is the smallest thing you can do to get started on any of those dreams or desires that are inside you… waiting to be ignited?
3.The F.I.R.S.T. Quote
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