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Nuturing a Culture of Trust and a Signature Service Experience

SingTel, a leading communications technology company, engaged Influence Solutions to reinforce its market leadership in Singapore, by creating a memorable signature service experience.

Influence Solutions worked with their Retail Management Leadership team and the complete retail team of 380 staff across all SingTel stores in Singapore over a period of one year.


Challenges Faced

  • SingTel needed to deliver strong, sustainable revenues and profits despite an increasingly competitive retail landscape, high staff turnover coupled with rising customer and employee expectations.
  • An established player, SingTel had legacy processes and an existing product-focused culture. It was critical to shift this to a client-focused, human-centred culture.
  • To ensure the desired change in culture, attitudes and mindset, the staff needed to embrace the transformation, hence a traditional skill-based training programme was unlikely to yield the desired results.
  • Retail leaders needed to be equipped with practical strategies and tools so that they could inspire their staff to take ownership of sales and service in order to sustain the transformation effectively.

The Aim

  • Enhance sales and customer retention by creating a sustainable SingTel Signature Service experience.
  • The identified desired outcomes were:
    1. Increase in retail sales
    2. Retention of customers
    3. Reduction in client complaints
    4. Reduction in time taken to address client issues ⁄ complaints
    5. Reduction in staff turnover by enhancing morale and engagement.

Solution and Results

  • Influence solutions worked closely with the key stakeholders at the Senior Vice President level to design and develop the SingTel Signature Service Solution – Creating and Sustaining Service Excellence. Based on our proven INFLUENCE 247 system, this was a highly customised solution aligned with their brand identity, service values and competency frameworks.
  • The rewards and recognition platform was integrated into this solution, and SingTel case studies and monitoring criteria were established to measure the effectiveness of the training solution.
  • The solution was then implemented. This consisted of half-day workshops delivered over 12 months for all retail staff and leaders, plus group and individual coaching for retail leaders and the senior management team.
  • The book – Win People Over by Influence Solution’s director, Karen Leong was used as a corporate resource book for all staff.
  • The results achieved were:
    1. Improvement in retail leadership effectiveness, leading to Increased staff retention.
    2. Stipulated sales targets were met.
    3. Client services were improved, as verified by mystery shopper audits.
    4. Reduction in client complaints, and managers noted significant improvement in staff attitude, sales and service.

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