Be fascinated by Redefining the Rules; highly personal perspectives of seventeen incredible women from around the world.
The 2023 International Women’s Day theme is “Embracing Equity”. With that in mind, the diverse stories in this anthology explore equity at home, in schools and in the workplace – from relationships and sex education to career advancement and science.

This book is written from a desire that equity becomes part of our world’s DNA. These stories show us that we can all do our part – by understanding what steps we can all take to make the world a fairer place.
This book has been authored by women who are employed by or volunteering for, have been trained by, or are professional speakers listed in the KeyNote Women Speakers’ directory. We’re on a mission to bring more diversity to speaking stages worldwide. We are a global community of inspirational thought leaders committed to amplifying diverse voices.
Women’s voices need to be heard, and our perspectives must be seen. Not just for the sake of us women; everybody stands to benefit.
Diversity increases group intelligence and fosters innovation, as proven by the higher profitability companies with diversity in leadership achieve.
This book is written as a demonstration of the richness in perspective on one single topic: Embracing Equity.