Happy January!
To support you in being F.I.R.S.T. (Future-Ready. Innovative. Relevant. Strategic. Trusted.), here’s 1 tip and 1 quote.
The F.I.R.S.T. Tip
A trend shared by many senior leaders from different industries and cultures is that ‘we are often the ones that get in our way. And this is especially so when it is something important to us.
Quite logical. After all the more important that thing is to us the more eager we are to achieve it. This pressure often makes us believe that we should only start on the task when we are absolutely ready and certain of success. The stress of wanting to be fully ready and this fear of failure can easily lead to over-thinking and analysis paralysis.
The more stressed we are about the results, the more prone we are to getting hit by negative thoughts, and hence the easier it is to get paralyzed and refuse to leave the safety of our comfort zone.
So how can we step out of our comfort zone and overcome the pitfalls of analysis paralysis?
To break free from this pattern, here are three simple actions that we have seen working for many different people.
- GET STARTED: Gather the key information needed to make an informed decision. Identify two or three viable options then select the one you believe is easiest for you to implement and start. Your plan will rarely work perfectly, however, once you are moving, you will be able to adapt and overcome the challenges that emerge. The important thing is to get started.
- FIND YOUR TRIBE: We are usually our own worst critics so we need to be very mindful of our inner dialogues. The higher the fear of failure, the more debilitating our inner dialogues can be. You are likely to imagine all kinds of obstacles and start planning for them; this prevents you from getting started. So, the easiest thing to do is find your tribe – people who have done things similar to what you wish to do. Use them to gather ideas and courage; the courage to get started.
- PRIORITISE YOUR GOALS: Not every problem needs solving, or opportunity seized. Focus on your most important priorities at this point in time.
Some people go for the low-hanging fruit first. Conversely, some go for the biggest ticket item first. Go with whichever resonates with you the most – but GO. Getting started is critical because the only irreplaceable commodity you have is Time so don’t let it slip away while you overthink. Embrace imperfect action and trust your ability to adapt along the way.
As we look ahead to 2025, we wish you courage, progress, and fulfillment of your most important goals. Cheering you on!