Happy October!
To support you in being F.I.R.S.T. (Future-Ready. Innovative. Relevant. Strategic. Trusted.), here’s 1 tip and 1 quote.
The F.I.R.S.T. Tip
As the year winds down, do you find yourself wondering where the time has gone? If so, you’re not alone. But with a little planning and determination, you can make the last quarter of 2024 your most productive yet.
Reflect on Your Progress: Take some time to review your achievements and challenges over the past nine months. What goals did you accomplish? Where did you fall short? Reflecting on these questions will help you to clarify what’s truly important to you. Be prepared to adjust your goals and strategies as needed – embracing flexibility can help you navigate any obstacles that arise. Remember, it’s not about what you couldn’t do but what you can still achieve in the final push.
Break Down Your Goals into SRV Actions: One of the keys to success which we share at our workshops is translating your big-picture goals into simple, repetitive, and visible (SRV) actions. For example, instead of saying “I want to improve my presentation skills,” try breaking it down into actions like “I will attend two presentation skills workshops and practice my skills by giving one presentation each month.” Keeping the actions simple means you’re more likely to follow through, doing them repeatedly turns them into habits, and making them visible provides ongoing motivation.
Celebrate Small Victories: Even if you didn’t achieve all your goals, be sure to celebrate the progress you did make. Acknowledging your small wins can provide the momentum and encouragement you need to power through the final stretch.
With a clear vision, strategic execution, and a determination to finish strong, you can make the last quarter of 2024 your most productive yet. The finish line is in sight – let’s work towards it together!